Make A Difference

Change A Life
You are a vital partner! With your support, we can continue to deliver life-changing opportunities and exceptional care to the region’s most vulnerable citizens.
The EHCA Difference
We serve children and adults with all levels of disabilities. But… Did you know that we’re one of only a handful of agencies in Pennsylvania (state-wide!) serving individuals with developmental disabilities who are also considered medically fragile?
Your support helps us continue providing extraordinary supports and individualized attention to each child and adult in our care.
Your Dollars at Work
Houses that are truly homes. Services that support health and independence. Experiences that promote abilities and community engagement. Lives enriched by possibilities, not defined by disabilities. These are the life-enhancing opportunities you make possible through your financial support.
Despite dealing with physical and intellectual barriers, these individuals are making friends, developing new skills, maintaining their health and mobility, and having fun–all because you cared.
Prefer to send cash or a check? Mail it to 226 E 27th St, Erie PA 16504.
Questions? Contact Jessica Krugger at 814-315-1824 or email